The Defense Health Agency (DHA) is requiring that all US Family Health Plan retirees make their enrollment fee payments by monthly allotment from their military retirement pay.

If you currently pay your enrollment fees by another method, we ask that you please take action on this DHA mandate by converting your method of payment to monthly allotments.

Converting your method of payment is easy. Here’s how:

By Mail

Johns Hopkins Health Plans
7231 Parkway Dr., Suite 100
Hanover, MD 21076

By Phone

  • Call our Premium Billing team at 410-424-4835 or 888-717-8282 (toll-free), Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
  • The caller must be the plan sponsor.

Compliance with this DHA mandate may not be possible for certain USFHP retiree members. For example, 100% disability, surviving dependents, utilizing VA benefits, no retirement account or not enough funds in a retirement account to cover enrollment fees. In these cases, when paying by monthly allotment is not possible, members may choose to pay through electronic funds transfer (EFT) or recurring credit/debit card payments.

If you meet the criteria for an exception, you may request a waiver by phone:

  • Call our Premium Billing team at 410-424-4835 or 888-717-8282 (toll-free), Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

If you have an approved waiver, use our secure portal to submit your premium payment.

View this guide for submitting a payment.

Enrollment Fee Questions

We thank you for your patience while we handle increased call volumes related to allotment authorizations.

Why am I required to pay my enrollment fee by allotment?

The Defense Health Agency is requiring all USFHP retirees to pay their enrollment fees by allotment from their military retirement pay.  The statutory authority for this requirement is National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year (FY) 2020, Section 702.

Who is required to pay the enrollment fee by allotment?

All USFHP retiree members with an enrollment fee must pay their fee by allotment, unless they have a qualifying exception to be waived from the requirement (see exceptions below).

Will USFHP automatically convert my premium payment method to monthly allotment?

No, we are not able to do this automatically. If you have not yet converted your payment method, you must take action promptly to comply with this DHA mandate. You may convert your payment method by filling out this form and sending it to us. If you need assistance, our USFHP Billing team is here to help you Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Call 410-424-4835 or 888-717-8282 (toll-free). The person calling to convert the payment method must be the plan sponsor.

I have been paying my enrollment fees by another method. How do I convert my payment method to allotments?

Converting your method of payment is easy. Here’s how:

By Mail

Johns Hopkins Health Plans

7231 Parkway Dr., Suite 100

Hanover, MD 21076

By Phone

  • Call our USFHP Billing team at 410-424-4835 or 888-717-8282 (toll-free), Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
  • The person calling to convert the payment method must be the plan sponsor.

Are there any exceptions to this mandate?

Exemptions to the allotment requirement may be granted for the following situations: 100% disability, surviving dependents, utilizing VA benefits, no retirement account or not enough funds in a retirement account to cover enrollment fees. In these cases, members may request a waiver and instead pay through either electronic funds transfer or recurring credit/debit card payments.

How do I request a waiver if I am not able to make my premium payments by monthly allotment?

If you meet the criteria for an exception, you may request a waiver by calling our Premium Billing team at 410-424-4835 or 888-717-8282 (toll-free), Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

I would rather not pay my enrollment fee by monthly allotment. Can I pay by credit card or bank transfer?

Unless you meet the criteria for an exception, you must pay by allotment. We understand that you may prefer an alternate method of payment. However, this is a TRICARE regulatory requirement that all contractors, including USFHP and our beneficiaries, must uphold. There are advantages to paying by allotment, including not having to monitor an account balance or updating payment information if a credit card or bank account changes. Allotments may also help avoid late payments or failure to pay.

All USFHP retirees are required to pay their enrollment fees by monthly allotment from their military retirement pay. The only exceptions may be for cases such as 100% disabled veterans, un-remarried former spouses and survivors, who do not receive military retiree or retainer pay.