Here’s a way to be healthy and happy: Take advantage of all the great extras and discounts Johns Hopkins USFHP offers beyond traditional coverage.

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Choose TRICARE Prime® From Johns Hopkins USFHP

Johns Hopkins USFHP includes comprehensive Tricare Prime® medical and mental health services, prescription drug coverage, and preventive and routine care—plus extras like discounted services, care management, dental cleanings, and more.

Active-duty family members pay no enrollment fees or out-of-pocket costs for any type of care received through the Johns Hopkins provider network.

2025 Medical Benefits & Costs

Looking for 2024 Medical Benefits & Costs?

The cost-shares, copays, and enrollment fees for Johns Hopkins USFHP are the same as TRICARE. Details may be found at

TRICARE Prime Benefits

Cost for Active-Duty
Family Members

Cost for Retirees and their
Family Members / Survivors

Group A* / Group B**
Group A*
Group B**

Annual Enrollment Fees


$372 individual
$744 family

$450 individual
$900.96 family

Annual Deductibles




Outpatient Services (subject to medical review)

Cost for Active-Duty
Family Members

Cost for Retirees and their
Family Members / Survivors

Group A* / Group B**
Group A*
Group B**

Preventative visit




Office Visits (Primary Care)




Specialty office visits




Maternity care
(prenatal, postnatal)




Well-child care (birth to age 6)




Routine physical examinations1




X-ray and lab tests2




Ambulatory surgery
(same day)

All surgical procedures (regardless of where they are performed; excluding some venipuncture and fetal monitoring procedures) and birthing centers (prenatal care, outpatient delivery, and postnatal care)




Physical, Speech and Occupational therapy (when medically necessary)




Cardiac Rehabilitation3




Inpatient Services (subject to medical review)

Cost for Active-Duty
Family Members

Cost for Retirees and their
Family Members / Survivors

Group A* / Group B**
Group A*
Group B**

(semi-private room and board)




Physician services




General nursing services




Diagnostic tests including lab and X-ray




Operating room, anesthesia and supplies




Medically necessary supplies and services




Physical, Speech and Occupational therapy (when medically necessary)




Mental Health Services (subject to medical review)

Cost for Active-Duty
Family Members

Cost for Retirees and their
Family Members / Survivors

Group A* / Group B**
Group A*
Group B**

Outpatient care individual




Outpatient group / family therapy




Partial hospitalization, mental health




Inpatient hospital psychiatric care




Substance Abuse Treatment (subject to medical review)

Cost for Active-Duty
Family Members

Cost for Retirees and their
Family Members / Survivors

Group A* / Group B**
Group A*
Group B**

Outpatient care individual




Outpatient group / family therapy




Inpatient services (up to 7 days for detoxification per year)




Partial hospitalization, substance abuse




Other Service (subject to medical review)

Cost for Active-Duty
Family Members

Cost for Retirees and their
Family Members / Survivors

Group A* / Group B**
Group A*
Group B**

Ambulance, outpatient ground4 (when medically necessary)




Ambulance outpatient air4 (when medically necessary)




Dental Care (basic preventative)

Reduced fees

Reduced fees

Reduced fees

Durable medical equipment




Emergency room services5 (including out of the area)




Urgent Care Center




Routine eye examination (1 per Plan year)




Radiation / chemotherapy office visits




Prescription drug co-pays6 (up to a 30-day supply - Walgreens Retail)

$16 generic
$43 brand name
$76 non-preferred brand name

$16 generic
$43 brand name
$76 non-preferred brand name

$16 generic
$43 brand name
$76 non-preferred brand name

Prescription drug co-pays6 (up to a 90-day supply for maintenance medications - Mail Service & Walgreens Retail)

$13 generic
$38 brand name
$76 non-preferred brand name

$13 generic
$38 brand name
$76 non-preferred brand name

$13 generic
$38 brand name
$76 non-preferred brand name

Skilled nursing facility care




Home health care (part-time skilled nursing care)




Out of area (emergency services only)




Catastrophic cap (Maximum out-of-pocket expense per family)

$1,000/enrollment year (Group A*)
$1,288/enrollment year (Group B**)

$3,000/enrollment year

$4,509/enrollment year

*For enlistment or appointment prior to January 1, 2018 / **For enlistment or appointment after January 1, 2018
Routine Physical Examinations – while there is no co-pay for a Routine Physical; an office visit co-pay may be assessed if other procedures (not considered routine) are conducted during the examination.
If lab services are provided on the same day as the office visit and a co-pay is collected for the visit, no additional co-pay will be collected. No co-pay will be collected when services are billed and provided as clinical preventive services. Exceptions: Co-pay may be required for certain radiation oncology, vascular and pulmonary procedures and studies. Contact Customer Service for details.
Outpatient treatment following the initial intake evaluation and testing is limited to a maximum of 36 sessions per cardiac event
Upon arrival of the ambulance and member refuses transport, the member is liable/responsible for services rendered
Unless you are admitted to the hospital, in which case only the inpatient co-payment applies
Prescription drug availability is limited to drugs prescribed by a Plan provider and covered as a Plan benefit. Availability of non-emergency prescriptions when out of the area is also limited